Toledo Honor Roll Announced

Toledo, Oct. 21. - Announcement made of the high school honor roll the first six weeks shows 42 students out of 118 enrolled, a decided increase over last year. Ellinor Grant, a freshman, leads the list with an average of 97. Out-standing ones in other classes follow: Gilberta Caldwell, sophomore, 95.2; Mable Boone, junior, 92.5; Elma Piri, senior, 96.5. Freshmen, Elinor Grant, Taima Koski, Cora Blaine, Mary Fluckiger, Louise Wicklund, Tillie Zinn, Linda Oja, Eva Byrd, Wilma Buswell, Ellen Buswell, Fredia Blake and Lila Wagner. Sophomores, Gilberta Caldwell, Garold Rogers, Claude McKinney, Bernice Ratcliff, Slyvia Krusor, Melba Pahl, Orval Washburn, Josephine Hopp, Marie Cope, Florence Boone, Thora Aboen and Pauline Herren. Juniors, Mable Boone, Sally Lund, Claire Holmes, Eva Linwood, Renea Keating, Francis Thorne and Dolores Inman. Seniors, Elma Piri, Alice Brown, Freida Krause, Flora Shepardson, Lois Williams, George Brown, Cecil Olson, Aune Kangas and Hilma Hurst. Scholarship rating for the classes: Seniors, .94; juniors .915; Sophomores, .915; freshmen, .92

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 23 October 1931, page 14. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester