Toledo Club Women Plant Trees

Toledo, Nov. 18. - The Toledo Woman's club last Wednesday afternoon planted hawthorne trees in memory of George Washington, and the late Mrs. Henry Knowles; also one honoring Mrs. Mary B. Boyles, a charter member. The first two trees were placed on the plot where stands the D. A. R. Oregon Trail marker. The tree honoring Mrs. Boyles was planted in the parking strip in front of her pretty cottage home on Augustus street. George A. Dew, Toledo high school girls, Mrs. Albert Johnson, who presided; and Mrs. L. A. Brauer, who dedicated the trees had parts on the program.

Observe Armistice Day.

Last Wednesday afternoon the grade school pupils had an Armistice Day program, different grades and individuals having parts. Wilma Lahti, Betty Buchholz, Maxine Bickford, Fred martin and Norma Piri gave special numbers. Several parents were present.

W. C. T. U. Meets.

Mrs. Henry Lyon was hostess to the W. C. T. U. at her home on Cowlitz prairie last Wednesday. Mrs. R. T. Wales gave a splendid report on the recent state convention at Vancouver. mrs. Moore of Cowlitz prairie pledged as a new member. Two visitors were present. Mrs. Lyon served delicat refreshments.

Lone Yew Meets.

Lone Yew Grange met last Wednesday evening with Ernest Wicklund, master, presiding. Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sullivan of Silver Creek Grange, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elden and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ritzman of Cowlitz Prairie Grange. After the business meeting refreshments were served and dancing was enjoyed. Music being furnished by Mrs. Kenneth Williams, Walter and Harry Martinson and Jess Wells.

N. of W. Elect Officers.

N. or W. officers elected last Wednesday evening were as follows: Guardian neighbor, Nellie Watson; advisor, Lillian Howell; clerk, Marjorie Carpenter; banker, Cynthia Lyon; managers, Joe McCrillis, John Lyon, Arthur Brown; magician, Bernice Mathews; attendant, Isobel Merryman; inner sentinel Willis Watson; outer sentinel, Wes Baldwin; captain of guard, Milber Knowles; flag bearer, Irma Camp; musician, Ethel Enyeart; press correspondent, Nellie Watson; physician recommended, H. R. Marsh; installing officer recommended, Mrs. Mary Allen.

O. E. S. Card Party.

The Eastern Star card party Friday evening was well attended and an enjoyable time was had. Prizes in 500 went to Mrs. Stanley Henriot and Ralph Gries; in pinochle to Mrs. G. P. Enger and Wilson Deane of Chehalis; bridge prizes to Mrs. A. M. Houck and Jack Hurley. Mrs. John Monson sang two solos. Refreshments were served.


Mrs. Hunter has returned to her home in Lewiston, Ida., after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Carter and family.

Mrs. Dawson, an Alaska sourdough, who is a hydraulic engineer, was here last week and looked over samples of quartz and sand the local prospectors have. He expressed himself as believing that the mining porspects for this locality looked favorable.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Croop and W. R. McDowell motored to Burns, Ore. Saturday to visit at the L. Goodrich home. Mrs. Croop will remain some time to care for Mrs. Goodrich, who was in an auto accident recently.

Mrs. Roy Roth and daughter Beverly Ann of Port Angeles arrived Sunday to visit Mrs. Roth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Button several days. Miss Helen Waterman also returned with Mrs. Roth.

Miss Bernice Williams of Seattle visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Greenman, who recently lost their farm home by fire, aer building a new house.

Mrs. lottie Lyon visited most of the week with friends in Portland and the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Looney and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Looney of Hubbard, Ore.

The Cowlitz Prairie Grange will give a card party at its hall Tuesday evening, November 24. The public is invited.

Dr. A. M. Houck and family visited in Auburn and Seattle over Saturday and Sunday.

Charles Allison and family have moved to Mrs. E. J. Deane property east of Toledo.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Due of Elma visited Mrs. Due's mother, Mrs. J. H. Moore from Thursday until Sunday.

Last week Mrs. A. B. Croop sold 136 dressed tom turkeys to a Centralia firm. They will be shipped to Alaska.

Toledo high football team was defeated here Saturday by the fast Cathlamet high school team, 34-18. Sunday the Ryderwood town team defeated the Toledo alumni 13-6.

Mrs. Lottie Lyon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Lyon and son Donald, Jimmy Lyon, Henry, Ed and Johnny Lyon at a dinner Monday honoring the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Wendell Lyon.

Ray Winters was called to Salem Sunday by the death of his mother.

A card party will be given at the Odd Fellows' hall Friday night for the benefit of Miss Christine Schnurstein, who won a trip to Chicago for her excellent 4-H record.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 20 November 1931, page 14. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester