Toledo Commercial Club To Help Young Lady

Toledo, Nov. 18. - The Toledo Commercial Club held its luncheon Wednesday at Mrs. P. E. Ferrier's. The receipts of the luncheon will be used helping cover the expenses of Miss Christina Schnurstein on her Chicago trip. About fifteen were present. Mayor P. E. Ferrier announced the welfare committee for Toledo as followas: J. H. Douge, W. A. Davenport, Dr. L. J. Coberly, A. R. Reber and Wm. Leach. Mr. Douge has offered the use of his store room on Cowlitz street free for use of the committee. A rummage sale will be held mid-December. E. C. Manwell was appointed a committee of one to arrange for a charity football game. Dan Coffman, president of the Chehalis Chamber of Commerce and Joe Ditz of the Pe Ell State Bank were guests.

Milk Bottle Travels Far.

Clyde Ferrier is much worried as to how the milk dealer who serves his home came into possession of a milk bottle belonging to a milk dealer in Honolulu. The name of the firm is blown in the glass, "Hind & Clark Dairy, Honolulu."

Recovers Lost Paper.

Chas. R. Leidy of Toledo was a much surprised man one day this week when he received from Congressman Albert Johnson in Washington, D. C., his discharge from the U. S. army. Mr. Leidy lost the discharge with other things in Tacoma in 1911. In writing Congressman johnson in regard to a pension, Mr. Johnson sought to look up his service record and in the archives of the war department the lost discharge was found and returned to Mr. Leidy, who in turn was very happily surprised. Mr. Leidy by the the way was a sergeant in the U. S. coast artillery when discharged and was rated as a 1st class gunner.


While two of Toledo's interested prospectors were east of town Sunday to do some prospecting in a new location the cold rain suddenly turned to snow and the men called it a day and quit. A miles from the scene of their operations there was no snow.

Councilmen whose terms expire this year are Grant Packard, L. D. Howell and R. B. Allen. There will also be a treasurer to elect. No caucuses have been held as yet.

The grade school will sponsor a community Christmas tree at the high school auditorium Wednesday night, December 23.

W. J. Hillegoss returned Monday from Idaho, where he had been visiting his son, and hunting deer.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Leidy has been seriously ill the past three weeks. The little girl is a victim of flu and now has bronchial pneumonia.

Friday night a card party for the benefit of Miss Schnurstein will be held at the Odd Fellows' hall.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 20 November 1931, page 4. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester