Vader has two tickets in the field for the coming city election. Lawrence Bemis heads the People's ticket for mayor and Tom Fuller is up for re-election as councilman. Martin Ricker is the other candidate on the People's ticket for councilman. On the Citizen's ticket, Bob Smith was nominated for mayor, Max Townsend, present councilman, was renominated and C. E. Meade was named for the second place on the ticket. The election will be held early in December.

Mr. and Mrs. Robrt [stet] Nolan returned Sunday after spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs. Holan's parent, Mr. and Mrs. James Blakely at Aberdeen.

Mr. and Mrs. John Nevers had as dinner guests Thanksgiving day, the following: Mr. and Mrs. William Nevers, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCormick, Melvin Howell, Misses Elsie Koski and Anita Marvin, all of Seattle; Mrs. Anna Koski and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koski of Winlock; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nevers and Delia Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nevers and son, Lee Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nevers and son Jerry, and Henry Nevers of Vader.

Earl Ely of Warrenton, Ore., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ely.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker were Chehalis visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hippi and son, Raymond, motored to Chehalis Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Klem and son, Kenneth, Mrs. Einar Lewis and Mrs. Oliver Cochrane of Vader and Mrs. C. Cope of Toledo, were Longview shoppers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jule Lajala and sons of Seattle were Vader visitors over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nieman left a week ago for a trip to Wisconsin for a visit, later going to Detroit where they will purchase a new car.

Mrs. Clara Campbell of Portland spent the holidays with Mrs. Margaret McLarty.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Branson of Silver Creek visited relatives here Wednesday.

Mrs. Mabel Charles and Mrs. Frank Nolan spent Tuesday at Vancouver.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Saari and son, Jimmy, spent Thanksgiving and the week end at Aberdeen with Mrs. Saari's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patton Rogers. jesse Rogers accompanied them home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hippi of Myrtle Creek, Ore., spent the holiday and week end here and at Castle Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nolan wre hosts at a Thanksgiving dinner for Mrs. Nancy Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan and children, Russel, Wilma and Nancy Jo, Mrs. Pearl Gilley and Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. George Nolan and children, Polly Ann and Jerry.

The Vader Garden and Flower club met at the home of Mrs. A. K. Mundale Tuesday afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rolland McMurphy, Dec. 17.

Source: The Advocate, 28 November 1940, page 10. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester