Winlock Pioneer of '54 Dies

Winlock, Nov. 17. - A. J. Flesher (full paragraph with obituaries)

Eggs Drop Two Cents

Standard grade eggs took another drop this week of two cents; mediums one cent. Peewees remained stationary. Feed prices took a general advance. Poultry prices reigstered no change. Turkeys dropped slightly.

The regular meeting of the Winlock Local will be held Friday evening at the W. O. W. hall. H. L. McIntyre, feed manager of the Washingtong Co-operative Egg and Poultry Association will be the main speaker. A musical program has been arranged and a lunch will be served.

Dr. Yahn for Mayor.

At the caucus held Monday evening, Dr. M. M. Yahn was nominated for mayor for a two-year term and J. A. Searles and D. H. Smith as councilmen for a two-year term succeeding George Campbell and George Hall. T. C. Elliot who completes a two-year term, reefused [stet] to run again for mayor.

Entertains At Bridge.

Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Yahn entertained Saturday evening with a bridge party. Mrs. Woody and Dr. Gleeson won high score at cards; C. B. Prigmore and Mrs. Lauderdale consolations.

Rebekahs Greet President.

An enjoyable time was held Monday evening when Mapleleaf Rebekah lodge was host to Mrs. Gertrude Manier of Olympia, president of the state Rebekah assembly. The degrees were conferreed [stet] upon Mrs. Marie Gray. Mrs. Manier gave a talk on her Alaska trip. Mrs. Bertha Gage of Chehalis, past president of the assembly, was also present and gave a short talk.


Mrs. George Curtis entertained a group of friends Wednesday afternoon. The afternoon was spent visiting and sewing. A dainty lunch was a feature.

Mr. and Mrs. R. Bunting and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickinson and families motored to Port Townsend Sunday.

Arthur Eastman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Eastman, is home on a ten-day leave from the naval station at San Diego. he will leave this week end for Seattle to meet his sister, Miss Margaret Eastman of Granger.

About 36 of Robert hakol's friends gathered at his home Thursday evening. Dancing and games were enjoyed.

Mrs. Sam Tye was pleasantly surprised Tuesday evening by several friends, at her home northwest of town. An evening of visiting and social time was enjoyed by Mesdames C. C. Wall, George Elliot, Jack Prouty, Marie Gray, C. B. Prigmore and Frank Miller.

B. I. Joyce and son James and Mr. and Mrs. Joyce and son, all of Seattle, visited Sunday at T. W. Haapala's.

Miss Shirley Brown spent the week end in Bellingham.

Mr. and Mrs. August Simila of Astoria visited last week with the Charles hendrickson family and other friends.

The operetta, "Lelawala," will be presented Friday evening, November 20 at the high school gymnasium. The cast is composed of approximately 50 students.

The Weekly Bridge club met Friday with Mrs. H. B. McGalliard.

The Rebekah Auxiliary Wednesday evening held a short business metting. It was Odd Fellows meeting night and the brothers were surprised with a dainty lunch following adjournment.

The Wednesday Afternoon Bridge club met with Mrs. Sam Woody. At cards, Mrs. Johnson won high score, Mrs. Meloy consolation. A dainty lunch was served.

Last week end Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ingman went to Astoria, where Mr. Ingman will undergo an operation for appendicitis.

Mrs. C. S. Davis entertained Tuesday afternoon, honoring her mother, Mrs. Andrew Tait, of Vancouver, B. C. The time was spent visiting and later the hostess served a delicious lunch.

Mrs. E. J. Buss entertained the Women's Civic club Thursday. A pot luck lunch was served at noon. It was voted to meet every second and fourth Tuesday in future.

At the World Wide Guild Wednesday evening Miss Betty Fletcher was elected president; Carol Fletcher, vice-president; Paula Jean Paxton, secretary; Martha Lund, treasurer; Helen Ness, pianist. Mrs. R. G. Sweany is advisor. A discussion was held as to the work for the coming winter.

Mrs. C. C. Wall entertained a group of small friends in honor of her daughter, Betty's tenth birthday, Monday afternoon. Following games and fun, a delicious birthday lunch was served.

The bazaar and program at the Methodist church Friday afternoon and evening was a financial success. About $30 was realized.

Mrs. Ray Slack and small daughter of the Toutle, arrived Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. S. Clark and to attend the funeral of her grandfather, A. J. Flesher.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Nelson and small son Larry of Hoquiam visited over the week end at R. G. Paxton's.

H. B. McGalliard returned Saturday evening from a trip to eastern Washington and Oregon.

The last league game of football for the season was played Armistice Day for local charity. Mossyrock went down to defeat 18-0.

A large group of friends gathered at John Rinne's east of town Sunday for a housewarming in his new home, which replaces one destroyed by fire. A nice five room home has been built. A gift of a dining room set and other presents was made. Out of town guests were present from Kalama and Aberdeen.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 20 November 1931, page 9. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester