Hannah McAfee Magoffin Cunningham Moberley
Luther Davenport forwarded some photos and other items regarding Hannah McAfee Magoffin Cunningham Moberley, sent by Donna Nichols. Thank you for sharing these items, Donna!
Hannah McAfee Magoffin (1808-1892) was the daughter of Beriah Magoffin and Jane (Jenny) McAfee, and granddaughter of Samuel McAfee and Hannah McCormick. Hannah McAfee Magoffin first married Charles M. Cunningham on 21 Sep 1830, and second married to William J. Moberley Sr. on 16 Apr 1844. [For more information, see her entry in Jenny Tenlen's McAfee register.]
- Hannah's Portrait
- Funeral Invitation for Hannah M. Moberley
- Obituary for Hannah M. Moberley (published in Harrodsburg Sayings, Thursday, December 29, 1892)
- Bible Records for Hannah M. Moberley - includes information on her children by Charles M. Cunningham and William J. Moberley.