They Are Passing Away,- As we go to press, we hear of the death on Saturday last, at an advanced age, of Mrs. Gabriel Jones, at the residence of her son-in law Jos. S. Broshears, on Tenalcut Prairie, in this county. Mrs Jones and her estimable companion came across the plains in the emigration of 1844. They were a party who accompanied the late Col. M. T. Simmons in the pioneer American immagration to this territory n the fall of 1845, and settled on the Bush Prairie, about two miles south of Tumwater, where they continued to reside till about two years ago., when the family moved over to the Cowlitz Prairie. Mrs. Jones was followed to the grave last Monday, by a large concourse of friends, and now quietly rests in the soil of the same prairie where she had helped to make the first American settlement twenty years ago.

"Time rolls his careless course. the race of yore
Who danced our infancy upon their knee,
How are they blotted from the things that be."

Source: from an Olympia newspaper, 25 Jul 1868 (the above transcription is exactly as it appeared in print). Submitted by Alice Harrison.

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