MARRIED: Taylor-McNiel
The marriage of W. Henry Taylor and Celia May MacNiel occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Browning Wednesday morning.
At ten o'clock the young couple took their place under an arch made of ribbon and roses and Rev. H. W. Thompson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiated. Only the immediate family being present.
After the ceremony a nice dinner was served and the young people left on the 12:30 train for a visit in Tacoma and Seattle, afterwhich they will go to their new home in North Yakima.
The bride was attired in a champaign traveling suit and the groom wore the conventional black.
Mr. Taylor is a young business man of North Yakima and Miss MacNiel has been a teacher there the past year.
Source: The Centralia News-Examiner, Friday, 14 Jul 1905. p. 5.
Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen. She has no further information.