The following transcription was submitted by Deborah Cody. She has a copy of her mother's Autrograph Book from Adna School, ca. 1928-1929. The names from the autograph book are copied below.

Adna Autograph Names

Class of 28-29 officers:
President Ed Duncan
Vice president Isabel Hannon (my mom)
Secretary Schirer
Treasurer Ruth Smith
Reporter Mary W. Dudy Connil & Elizabeth Jay - 7th grade class officers
Francis John, Harry Kalbus, Wayne Lowe, George Leonard, Fat Duncan, Lucile Lowe, Elizabeth Joy, Martha Burlingame, Lowell Rayton, Ray Long, Richard Emerson, Jack Wright, Charles Pollow, Aubrey Donalson, Isabel Hannon, Pauline Sundberg, Willis Framm, Harold Schirer, Fred Ketchum, Lucille Holley, Charles Wilson, Ruth Smith, Virginia Wolfe, Mary Whittaker, Rodney Wooster, Teddy Stewart, Ed Walch, Idelia Ruths, Dida Paulines, Mary Tweed, Agnes S. Florence Kelly, Francis Hannon, Ruth Smith, Pauline Sundberg, Marie Schwarz, Hazel John, Bennice Olson, Mary Whittaker, Edith Young, Harry Kalbus, Joe E. Hall, Anna Gray, Willis Tnamm???, Marguerite Burton, Dida R. , Ray Long, Elsie Smith, Fay Elwess, Eldis Iverson, Helen Mcleod, Evelyn Rhiplr?????, Ruth O'Keefe, Walter Hance, Clara Schirer, Ben "Dobie" Johns, Dorothy Cairns, Bernice Gray, Wayne Lowe, Edith Meyer, Rhodney Wooster, Anne, Kathleen Mccutcheon, K.elwood Tilton, Charles Wilson, Bert Cole, Charles Pallow, Herb Smiley, Willis Fromm, C.E. Moore Fay Wm. Elwess, ??Louise Crgl??, Opal Scribner, Charlotte, Blanch Mitzzenberg, B.E.M.. Liva Linwood, Billie Burton, Edith Rutzer, Teresa Jones, Martha B, Esther Long, "Lindy", Corrine Baunsgard, "Idelia", Virginia Short, Miriam Ruth Monroe, Clara Nielsen, Earl J. Wigley, Francis Ralph, "George" Ed Duncan, Edith Rutzer.

Clubs-The Girls League, Drama
The Girls league play "The Bashful Boy" March 15 1929.
Music---Community Day May 3 1929.
"School Yell" Our blue and gold boys, Adna must win, fight for the finish, never give in, you do your best boys, we'll do the rest boys, Fight for the victory, Fight, Fight, Fight, fight, fight.
School colors--purple and gold.

The first page says, "Steal not this book for fear of shame, for here you see the owners name." Isabel Carrol Hannon, Route 1, Box 334, Chehalis, Wn, Adna school 7th & 8th grade