Jimmie Endicott returned last week from a two weeks vacation which was spent with Mr. and Mrs. H. Basso of Chehalis in visiting Yellowstone park and other places enroute.

Mrs. A. W. Jennings of Centralia, was the house guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Olsen.

Rev. and Mrs. Henry Wackerbarth and family, Rev and Mrs. Brockmueller and Mrs. Milton Backer and son Harold, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wackerbarth of Forest on Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Larson and family of Lake Park, Minn., and Mrs. Dean and daughter of Seattle were guests of Miss Josephine Olson on Saturday. Mr. Larson is superintendent of the Lake Park Children's Home and was enroute to Long Beach for a vacation.

The Willing Workers H. E. club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Endicott last Thursday. Mrs. Endicott presided. After the business meeting a shower was given Mrs. Mary Lou Anderson. A very serviceable piece of furniture was given by the club. In the contest Mrs. Mary Fay won first and Mrs. Mary Lou Anderson second prize. Mesdames Dave Fay and A. W. Jennings were visitors. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Mary Fay.

This neighborhood was seriously shocked this past week on learning that Charlie Smiley had passed away early Wednesday morning. His wife was the only member of the family who was with him. A large crowd of his old neighbors and friends accompanied him to his last resting place at Claquato cemetery on Friday afternoon and extend their sincere sympathy to the sorrowing wife, children and relatives.

Source: The Advocate, 22 August 1940, page 12. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester