Alice Harrison submitted this photo of the Morton Baseball Team, taken about 1910-1915 (as labeled on the back on the photo). Thomas J. Carroll, at about age 16, is sitting under the man on top of the stump. The "mitt" he is wearing, as well as the other mitts seen in the picture are not what you'd see today. Neither are those cleats or that unique bat the young man is holding in the front row.
Follow-up (Aug. 2012): Lanette Walters found an article in a 1954 issue of The Morton Journal that describes this very photo, and shared it with Alice. The photo was taken in 1913. The information in the article came from Mitt E. Waste, who was postmaster at that time. Transcription of the article:
Many Old Timers Shown in Picture
Among those recognized in the picture of baseball in Morton in 1913 were: Tom Dunstan, Elbe Chapman, George Thompson, O. J. Gillispie, Emery Goble, Johnnie Goble, K. F. Priest, Jo Dunstan, Bill Priest, Jim Peters, Wilbur Peters, John Morgan, Hugh Dunstan, Grant Randle, Vernon Randle, Ray Powell, Roy Powell, Clyde Goble, Charle Thompson, Charlie Winsberg, Charlie Waste, M. E. Waste, Art Little, Tom Hopgood, Charley Clevinger and John Stiltner.
M. E. Waste says they were not all baseball payers in the picture. The group had gathered to clear the ground for a baseball diamond when the picture was taken. He recalls the day well. They had worked hard and at the close a keg was furnished by some one and everyone quenched his thirst.
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