Alice Harrison submitted this photo of Bert Nealy, son of John (Jack) Nealy and Gertrude Camelia Broshears. "A descendant of Jack and Gertrude, Kathy Peterson of Chehalis, sent me the original, years ago. She wasn't sure if it was Bert and his wife, or if it was Ben and his wife Cora Simmons, or maybe it's Bert and one of his sisters, or Ben and a sister. The older woman sitting down could be Gertrude, or it could be a mother-in-law of one of either Bert or Ben. So many possibilities. I'm hoping someone who knows, will see these pics and get back with us. The Nealys were cousins with the Flesher, Carroll, Broshears, Hughes, Waggoner, and Marshall families of Winlock and Vader."
UPDATE (26 Jun 2016): Kathy Peterson (who originally sent Alice the photo below) wrote back with a positive identification of the three people in the photo: "(Standing) Cora Simmons (my grandmother) and Benjamin Nealy, and the woman sitting in front of this couple is Olive Nealy Beauvais. Cora & Benjamin were married in Lewis co. Aug. 10, 1918. Benjamin died in a logging accident in Centralia Mar. 17, 1919. They had no children as far as I know. Cora married my grandfather Owen Kimball in 1922. She was the daughter of Charles (blacksmith for Northern R.R) and Julia (Beauvais) Simmons of Winlock. Julia's brother Charles Beauvais married Olive Nealy. Benjamin Nealy was the son of John (Jack) and Gertrude (Broshears) Nealy. Both families lived in Vaness/Winlock. John Nealy was very early pioneer of the area. The graves of John & Benjamin Nealy, Charles Simmons and sons Herschel and George Simmons, Charles Beauvais and Olive Nealy Beauvais can be found in the Masonic Cemetery in Winlock, Wash. They are located in the upper southeast corner of the cemetery.

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