Ted and Roy Baker made a business trip to Cosmopolis this week.
Miss Elsie and Eva Clement had the misfortune of wrecking their light Ford truck Saturday night on their way home from the birthday party at the school house. Coming to a sudden stop to avoid hitting a horse, they were hit by Williamson's truck, putting them in the ditch. No one was seriously hurt.
Dorothy Hall spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at home.
Less Wright's, Wade and Stewart Brooks' families spent a few days last week at Tower rock picking huckleberries.
Jake Blaire and Harry Hail each finished seeding a 20 acre field of fall grain recently.
Mr. Al Miller is building two additional rooms onto his house.
Miss Gertrude Andrus of Alpha was an overnight guest at the Bays home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Downs of Chehalis were Sunday visitors at Palmer's.
Source: The Lewis County Advocate, 03 October 1935, page 11. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Tumwater, WA 98512
Transcribed by Kathryn Lester