Elsie Reynolds of Chehalis and Elizabeth Justice of Palo Alta, Calif., spent Friday and Saturday visiting at the Guy McLeod home.

Mrs. Anne Wright and daughter Charlotte spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ivy Hill.

Dave Walker is home for the 4th from Chelan where he is employed.

Ethel Stewart was home from work Saturday and Sunday.

Visitors at the Harold Keenan home Friday night were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carver of Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. Max Carver and family of California and Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Boren of Kosmas.

The Bennett Bible school will start Monday at the Bennett schoolhouse. Teachers will be Miss Bergaun and Miss McAlester who will be staying at the home of Mrs. Anne Wright.

We are glad that Mr. Neeley's accident was not very serious and that he will be home from the hospital Tuesday.

The Bennett 4-H Poultry club met at the home of Leslie Hail Friday evening. Those present were Fred Keifert, Neil Wright, Jim Lehman, Richard Gelsier, Alice Blair and Leslie Hail.

Donna Stewart is now able to get around after the accident that put her in bed for a week. She was hurt while playing in a barn with other children.

Source: The Lewis County Advocate, 4 Jul 1940, page 9. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Blvd. S., Tumwater, WA 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester