Cowlitz Grange Has Big Party

Cowlitz, Jan. 6. - A large crowd attended the card part at the Grange hall new Year's eve. Prizes for five hundred for [stet] men: First, Oren Layton; consolation, Joe McKenna; ladies, first, Mrs. Layton; consolation, Ruby Boone. Prizes for whist: men, first, O. R. Clampitt; consolation, John Kaiser. Ladies, first, Mildred Meye; consolation, Ruby Caines There will be another card party at the Grange hall Tuesday evening January 12.


Mrs. JamesMiller was a Chehalis visitor, Thursday.

Hector Sareault returned home Monday after spending a week with friends in Portland.

Phil Zettel of Onalaska had business on the prairie Monday.

Mrs. Sam Herren and children visited relatives at salzer valley New Year's day.

Miss Marjorie, Elizabeth and Isabel Frazier returned to their home in Olympia New Year's day after spending the holidays at the D. S. Cochrane home.

Mrs. Harold Dobbins of Ryderwood visited relatives on the prairie Tuesday.

Jack Olson of Salem, Ore. is visiting at the F. Chromey home.

There will be a card party at St. Joseph's hall Monday evening. January 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Bart Gray are the proud parents of a son, born December 27.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 8 January 1932, page 4. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester