Doty, Nov. 23 - The meeting of the men of Doty at the church last Monday evening was in the way of planning some kind of an organization for the betterment of the community and to find a place for our young people to have the proper kind of enjoyment and under the proper supervision. After looking at the matter from every angle the men decided to get back of the Community club and make it a fit place for the young people and the community at large. The men are planning to put on a minstrel show in the near future to raise funds for this very commendable enterprise.

Twenty-seven young people of Doty attended the Christian Endeavor convention at Centralia last Wednesday evening and report a very enjoyable time.

Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Wolfe of Centralia spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Wolfe's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson of Doty.

Roy Davis and family are settled in the Ray Locquet home which they recently purchased.

John W. Coleman has been quite ill at his home the past week, but is some better at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heerensperger were visitors to the Twin Cities last Thursday.

The play by the Ladies' Aid will be given Monday evening at the high school gym instead of on Tuesday as advertised on account of the smoker to be given in Davis hall by the W. O. W. Tuesday evening.

A turkey shoot was held at the Chas. Mauermann ranch Sunday and some fine birds were put up.

Mrs. Joe Wilson, Mrs. T. E. Dexter and Mrs. G. A. Douglas were Chehalis visitors last Thursday.

The entertainment given by the school last Friday was a success from every point and the house was filled with parents and friends of the pupils. The exercises were well given and very interesting and much credit is due the teachers for their splendid work.

The Bible story, "The Ten Virgins," was dramatized at the church Sunday evening and the house was filled. Reverend MacNeil gave a sermon on "Christian Education" which was a masterpiece.

Geo. A. Douglas drove to Tacoma Sunday, taking Mrs. L. Worley and children to see Mr. Worley, who is in the Veterans' hospital at that place.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 27 Nov 1925, page 20.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.