Dryad Schools Now Have Hot Lunches

Dryad, Jan. 19. - The domestic science girls are fixing hot lunches to be given free to those who stay for lunch. It is sponsored by the different families, lodges, P.-T. A. and public school of the community.


The Neighbors of Woodcraft held installation of officers Thursday night. A lunch was served.

The class of 1932 presented a picture of George Washington to the student body Monday.

Mrs. C. H. Coffman returned home Saturday evening from a visit to ther daughter, Mrs. E. Westwood of Wilkeson.

Mrs. E. Westwood of Wikeson visited Dryad last week.

Miss Andrea Surber of Pe Ell visited here over the week end.

Mrs. Tillie Mayer of Chehalis visited in Dryad Sunday.

Earl Middaugh shopped in Chehalis Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bellamy visited in Malone Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Geer of Chehalis visited their daughter, Mrs. Morris.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Sanford moved to Dryad from Montesano Friday.

P.-T. A. met at the high school Monday evening. The girls' physical educational class gave an example of their work. Mr. Olsen also gave a talk on "The History of Education in Washington."

Friday the Dryad basketball team lost to Pe Ell, 39 to 13. The Dryad midgets also lost 25 to 9.

R. L.McMillen motored to Chehalis on business Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bamer of Doty shopped in Chehalis Saturday.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 22 January 1932, page 2. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester