Plenty of Sawmills

The Klaber Lumber Company, of which W. J. Redmond and R. H. Nodes are proprietors, has a good little sawmill actively cutting lumber on the H. P. Nobach place, near the old Boistfort postolfice. At the present time only one donkey engine is in use. With this machine whole tree are dragged in and sawed into desire lengths at the mill. There is a considerable body of timber in easy reach of this mill which cuts about 20,000 feet daily. The lumber is hauled with teams and trucks to Ruth station on the Milwaukee, the teams being able to make two trips daily and haul about 3000 feet each at a load.

Dane, Myers & Stewart are operating a small mill on George W. Dunham's place near Curtis. They have enough timber left to run about two months, but may buy some more and cut it before moving.

Another mill farther up the valley also furnishes lumber that is loaded at Ruth station.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 18 May 1923, front page 16.

Transcribed by Jenny Tenlen.