Newaukum Valley Social Club Meets

Chehalis, R. 2-3, Jan. 12. - Newaukum Valley Social club met at the school house Friday evening. The following program was enjoyed: Oboe solos, Dorothy Kiesling, accompained by Florence Rogers; harmonica solos, Guy McLeod; piano solo, Florence Rogers; vocal solos, Orville Reid, accompanied by Allen Kinney, piano and Oscar Eastman xylophone; reading, Mrs. Grant Gleason; xylophone solos, Oscar Eastman. Cake and coffee were served later by the refreshment committee.


Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hamilton have as a guest Mrs. Hamilton's mother, Mrs. Ganfield of Sumner.

Cassie Marie Guy is improving slowly, but hopes to resume her regular school work in a week or two.

The Busy We club will meet Thursday, Ja. 21 at noon at Mrs. Albert Miller's, with Mrs. Clarence Miller as assistant hostess. The ladies will exchange quilt patterns.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 15 January 1932, page 4. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester