Mr. and Mrs. Wes Baldwin entertained at dinner Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Bones, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Cox, Miss Margaret Moore of Portland and Mr. Roberts of Goldendale.

Some of the children of Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor are ill with the flu.

Mrs. M. E. Croop returned recently from Dayton, Ore. where she went to help care for her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Goodrich, who was badly injured in an automobile accident.

W. J. Waterman is seriously ill at his home with pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Greenman and children Betty Lou and Jacky of Coeur d' Alene, Ida. arrived Saturday for a few weeks' visit at W. H. Leach's.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, Friday, 8 January 1932, page 3. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, Washington 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester