Local and Personal PARAGRAPHS (p. 3)

Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Rounds of Tacoma were in town last week for the P. E. O. dinner. They were over-night guests at the A. T. Flagg home.

Miss Koontz, city librarian, calls attention to the fact that moles eat bulbs, carrots, seeds, etc., doing a great deal of harm to gardens as well as lawns.

Mossyrock took first honors in a triangular track meet with Onalaska and Randle, Friday. Burle Morris of Mossyrock was high point man with 16 points.

Mrs. Fred Kelly left Wednesday for her home in California after a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Alexander. She sailed on the Dorothy Alexander from Seattle. Mrs. Alexander accompanied her daughter to Seattle and remained for a few days viist.

A. M. Chitty, formerly manager of the southwestern district of the Puget Sound Power & Light company, with headquarters at Olympia, has been appointed western district manager with headquarters at Bremerton, replacing A. S. J. Steele, who will take over job of suburban manager in King county with headquarters at Seattle. C. C. Curtis, division manager of the southern division at Olympia, in addition to his present duties will also take over the work formerly handled by Chitty.


The birthday anniversary of Mrs. Harry Coffman was celebrated Friday in a delightful trip on the St. John yacht from Olympia to Pt. Defiance park, Tacoma. Other guests invited for the occasion were Mrs. G. W. Kennicott, Mrs. Frank Lipscomb and Mrs. John Hawkes.


A meeting of the Lewis County Council of Parent-Teacher association was held in Centralia Saturday with Mrs. John Kinney of Morton presiding. At the business session Mrs. Kinney was re-elected president for a term of two years, and Mrs. Geo. W. Staggs, president of the Cascade P. T. A. of Chehalis, was elected first vice president, succeeding Mrs. Charles Fuson, who resigned.

The Centralia group sponsored a noon luncheon after which the following program was given:

Violin solo, Bob Garrison: clarinet solo, Alice Olsen: piano solo, Evelyn Ross: talk on scientific side of temperance, W. P. Herwig: talk, "Economy Diet for Adequate Nutrition," Margaret Hanney, nutrition specialist for the Western Dairy Products.

N. D. Showalter, state superintendent of public instruction, gave the principal address, speaking on "Education and Community Welfare." Mrs. Mildred Pope, state librarian, talked on reference libraries. After adjournment all went to the theater to see the film "Damaged Lives". The next meeting will be in Napavine in October.

Delegates to the conference from Chehalis were: Mrs. M. A. Legg and Mrs. Geo. W. Staggs, Cascade, P. T. A., and Mrs. P. W. Connick and Mrs. T. E. Walter, West Side.


Mrs. Emma Myers was hostess to members of the Rowena club Friday, the time being spent at sewing and cards. Those present were Mesdames Edna Boughton, Elsie Layton, Dollie Jones, Grace Durgin, Murrel Kain, Ada Jones, Marcella Groleau, M. Wasson, Ida Eaton, Edna Floe and the hostess. Mrs. Jack Snyder, sister of Mrs. Groleau, was a guest.


The Creative Reading group of the A. A. U. W. met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Chapin D. Foster, with Miss Cora Harms as assisting hostess.

Miss Margaret Staeger reviewed a clever little book of poems, "Cheerful Cherubs", by Rebecca McCann, and Mrs. A. J. White read and discussed an article on Sinclair Lewis from the Reader's Digest.


Following the regular meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft Wednesday night, a party was given in honor of members having birthdays in April. Mrs. Effie Angel and Mrs. L. L. Corp were those honored. Cards were played and ice cream and cake served during the evening.

Source: The Lewis County Advocate, 20 April 1934, page numbers listed next to entry. Microfilm available at Centralia Timberland Library, 110 South Silver, Centralia, Washington 98531

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester