Silver Creek Rainbow Plans Saturday Afternoon Installation

SILVER CREEK - Miss Anne McKinley will be installed Saturday afternoon, 1:30 o'clock, as advisor of the Silver Creek assembly of the Order of Rainbow for Girls.

Her officers are Kathy Pearcy, associate advisor; Sheryl Osborne, Bonnie Howard, faith; Lyda Burden, recorder; Nancy Ward, treasurer; Bunnie Howard, chaplain; Stephanie Rhodes, drill leader; Marilyn Myers, love; Ellen Oertli, religion; Martha Turner, nature; Margie McKinley, immortality; Jenny McDaniel, fidelity; Cathy Osborne, patriotism; Chris Whitted, service; Nancy Mills, confidential observer; Linda Core outer observer; Marietta Baker, choir director, and Wanda Hagen, musician.

Appointments include Mrs. Tom Baker, points keeper; Lynn Adams, historian; Judy Littlefield and Mae McKinley, pages; Kathy Perkins, Bible bearer, and Karen Belcher, lecturer.

The public is invited.

Source: The Daily Chronicle, 17 May 1962, page 3. Microfilm available at Centralia Timberland Library, 110 South Silver, Centralia, Washington 98531.

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester