Randle Population Shows Gain
Randle, Nov. 17. - Randle's population was increased by four new babies this week. Two baby girls rrived on Armistice day, one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moorcroft; one at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Harvey Pierson. Saturday night a nine pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. McMahan. Sunday night a ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clevinger.
High School Announcement.
Wednesday evening, November 25 the Randle high school is presenting the coldest blooded mystery play ever seen. It is advertised in the form of a recipe. Hold your nerves until tat glorious night. You'll need them. All stage scenery is being made by the high school boys.
Miss Margaret MacQuarrie of Hoquiam visited her sister, Miss Jane MacQuarrie, Saturday and Sunday.
Eleven Randle Grangers visited Mossyrock Grange Saturday night.
Mrs. J. C. Ware of Olympia is visiting this week at the H. E. Moore home.
There will be a turkey shoot at Aaron Moore's Friday, November 20.
Prof. Harvey Peirsen spent the week end visiting his wife and daughter in South Bend.
Mrs. Waldorf Gardner spent last week in Renton visiting her father, John Reese.
Charlie Hall and Barclay Combs entered Randle high school last week, after completing their work with the forest service.
Mrs. Aaron Moore took Mr. Moore to Chehalis to the St. Helens hospital for an examination Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec McKay and family, Mrs. Landon Clevinger and daughter, Mrs. Matt Randle and son Bill and Mrs. Wm. MacKay spent Saturday in Tacoma.
E. R. Johnson and John Kirkpatrick made a business trip to North river last week.
Walter Koher made a business trip to Seattle Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sethe of Puyallup visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sethe Sunday.
Mrs. Peter Herrington returned Saturday after visiting her sister in Oregon several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Vaughn of Port Orchard spent last week on their famr.
A negro minstrel show and old time dance was held in the community hall Tuesday night.
A dance was held last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Collier.
A car belonging to Charlie Hackney caught fire last week and was destroyed.
Mrs. Helge Anderson of Tacoma is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Siler.
Charlie Stover is moving his mill home from Cortright creek, where he cut the lumber for the bridge over that stream.
Henry Young took home the blanket from the blanket dance Saturday night at the community hall, given by the Kiona Mountaineers.
Bob Herrington has purchased a new car.
Rufe Slagle and C. Stover hauled the equipment for the bridge contractors at Cortright creek.
Several inches of snow fell at Randle Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Graham will leave Thursday for Oregon to visit two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Watkins. A minister from Tacoma will substitute for Rev. Graham while he is away.
M. P. Kerivan has just received a new hammer mill from the east.
Clark Huntington has returned from the Veterans' hospital at Tacoma, but is reported no better.
There were about fifty women from Randle and Packwood present at a shower given in honor of Mrs. Lucy Blankenship at the Packwood community hall. Mrs. Blankenship's husband was killed recently in an auto wreck. She wishes to thank her many friends for the lovely gifts she received. A delicious luncheon was served at 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bolton are moving their household goods from Tacoma and will spend the winter here.
Archie Moore left Thursday for Portland, returning home Sunday.
Aaron Moore has been quite ill the past week.
Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 20 November 1931, page 2. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512
Transcribed by Kathryn Lester